A Healing Crisis is a general term for how the body, emotions and soul prepares for a release or processes the energy shifts after a session; this means that it is possible to experience a ‘pre’, or ‘post’ healing crisis. The term ‘Healing Shift’ would better describe what happens with our energy pre and post session though. The word crisis makes it sound alarming, and though symptoms can be challenging, they are always temporary and it is a sign of a bigger shift, if the symptoms are stronger.

The Pre Healing Shift is often accompanied by triggers. These triggers can be events, situations, or interactions with people, which trigger our unconsious, emotional issues. These can be caused by past life, ancestral or ‘this life’ childhood traumatic experiences, which have innately and invisibly existed within our energy for lifetimes. What these pre- healing triggers do is bring the emotions to the surface of the chakras, which then enables the Healing Rays and team to gently lift them from the clients energy. However, somethimes, if a client already presents fully ready, with emotions on the surface, triggers are not needed, but the body and soul knows how to prepare, therefor the shifts begin to happen un-triggered. Clients often report, feeling out of sorts or emotional before a session, which is a sign that their energy is preparing for the release.

A Post Healing Shift, can have similar symptoms, but during the post healing stage, rather than building the energy, it is processing through the system and releasing. Both the pre and post healing crisis can last minutes, hours or days; there’s no usual timeline for this. However, it can be inconsistent, because some people have strong symptoms and others have nothing at all. Symptoms can be physical and as simple as a runny nose and tiredness, or they can be emotional, such as tearfulness, anger or noticing memories surfacing suddenly and out of nowhere. It varies from case to case, but these symptoms are always a sign that beneficial energy release is either about to, or has happened.