Radiant Soul Healing

The Radiant Soul Healing System

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Bella has been working with her guide Siri for 20 years and knows her guide as a loving and benevolent light being. His purpose is to channel profound healing frequencies in the form of highly refined healing ‘Light Rays’ to those who need it. Siri, in alignment with his own Soul Agreements and mission, is supporting us by working to help us to raise our vibration and release lifetimes’ of karmic soul trauma.

Siri has communicated to Bella, that there are many other such active soul healing systems and human channels like her who also anchor and send healing from the same energy source remotely throughout the world. These people also act as earthly ‘anchors’ to channel these higher dimensional Radiant Light Rays. Though they work under a different name, their mission and intent is the same; to channel healing to the world and those who need it, with the purpose of joining a growing Light Network’, which brings Earth Healing and helps to raise the vibration of the collective.

Bella says:

We are a growing group of qualified Radiant Soul Healers, who have been hand picked by Siri and myself. We work with clients on a one to one basis and also channel Earth Healing together as a group, as guided by Siri.

When we work on a personal level with clients, we channel the healing frequencies that the Radiant Light Rays embody to release Emotional Soul Trauma, which may be inhibiting and blocking their energy system. When a client’s chakras are blocked with negatively charged emotions, this is also reflected within their mental and physical health. If they are emotionally blocked, their life can then become stuck and feel very challenging. This is because, what they are holding unhealed within them, becomes reflected in their lives and the challenges that they face. Once the emotional healing begins to lift and dissolve emotionally charged blockages from their soul lineage, they begin to feel lighter, less anxious, more motivated and hopeful. After healing the wounded soul, many clients say that they feel uplifted; they have new clarity and vision regarding their future and what they wish to create for themselves moving forward.

When the Radiant Soul Healers and I work together as a group, the healing transmissions are extremely powerful. I am being guided to take this further and offer Healing & Meditation Group events, so that as many people as possible can benefit from experiencing the transformative effects of Radiant Soul healing at a lower cost than a one to one session. Clients are also able to subscribe to regular monthly teachings and healing transmissions. These more affordable options are being offered to assist in our emotional and spiritual growth on an ongoing basis and offer an opportunity to experience the healing on a regular, monthly basis.

As I teach the system, our the Radiant Soul Network is growing and our qualified Radiant Soul Healers are channelling this ground-breaking healing system remotely to clients all over the world.”

To view contact details for our RS therapists go to the Radiant Soul Healers page.


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